Prep Time

2 Hrs

Cook Time

10 Mins

Total Time

2 Hrs 10 Mins


  • 1 c each raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries

  • ½ c of sugar

  • Handful of fresh mint leaves, julienned

  • 2 tbl Grand Marnier

  • Caramel Dust:

    • 2 c white sugar

    • Cream:

      • 1 c heavy whipping cream

      • ¼ c powdered sugar



  1. In a large bowl, sprinkle ½ cup of sugar over all berries and let sit for an hour or so.

  2. Make Caramel Dust:

    • Line a rimmed baking sheet with Silpat or coat with cooking spray

    • Bring to boil sugar over medium heat

    • Swirl (don’t stir) in pan over high heat until sugar is dissolved, then cook til a caramel color, being careful not to burn

    • Pour onto prepared baking sheet to harden (~1hr) then break into shards

    • Put in a food processor and pulse til finely ground, then run through a sieve to make dust

  3. Whip cream to medium peaks with powdered sugar.

  4. Fold in mint and two tablespoons of Grand Marnier to berries.

  5. Place berries in a serving bowl, top with cream and dust to finish!